Basically the feeling is that the Ukraine military, even if they were armed by the West, are not competent enough to successfully drive back the Russian forces in their country, therefore the "Kosovo Solution", ie air strikes on Russian forces, are being talked about by Germany, Britain and the US.
To those that don't believe there are Russian forces fighting in Ukraine, read this: Diplomatic obfuscation aside, 10 reasons why the ceasefire in Ukraine is a myth
Also, Putin has now admitted that he sought to have Crimea returned right after the previous Ukrainian President fled: Putin Says He Decided To Take Crimea Just Hours After Yanukovych's Ouster
Land war in Europe. Great.
ReplyDeleteYou know, were there a patriot in the WH like John Bolton, it would be so tempting to finish off both Russia and Iran/Iraq in the only way that will work: overwhelming counterforce & countervalue strikes.
Russia is rebuilding their arsenal but are well below full readiness; the UK is about to disarm unilaterally, the US has lots of warheads foolishly scheduled for disassembly. What better opten than to strike once at all the enemies of freedom?
Many people in the Crimea and the Donbass are Russian and wish to stay that way. Do you want a major war so that we can keep them in a country for which they have no allegiance? Do you really thnk that Victoria Nuland hasn't been interfering in Ukraine. It's far more Russia's business than it is ours.
ReplyDeleteYou're insane. Russia has thousands of warheads and the ability to deliver them. It's not Iraq. It really does have weapons of mass destruction.
ReplyDeleteWe've got more. Lots lots more. And - unlike Russia's - ours actually work.
ReplyDeleteGiven that the Russians have beaten our proxies in Georgia and Ukraine, it seems their weapons work too. Also I can make myself inderstood in tortured Russian. Modern Russia is far from a democracy, but it is also very far from a dictatorship. In some way they have more freedom of speach than we do. Bakers don't lose their livelihoods for not baking a cake advocating gay marraige. They would not be a push over. My father lived in Iran for a long time under the Shah and knew the country well. It is not a failed state and most Iranians learn to be patriotic at school. We don't. Bush/Blair bit off more than they could chew in Iraq and Iran is three times bigger an twice as well organised.
ReplyDeleteAnd one Ohio boat could deal to Iran, Iraq, and Russia, once and for all!
ReplyDeleteI get it. You're pulling my leg.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not
ReplyDeleteHi Mike,
ReplyDeleteYep. Though, Russia might be itching to use some of theirs up before they stop working. See Is Russia losing its nuclear defense capability?
We don't have proxies in Georgia or Ukraine. Stick with the facts, please.
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteYou might want to read this: Ukrainians ‘called us occupiers,’ returning Russian mercenaries tell media
Euromaidan Express is not an objective website. I rely on my three Ukrainian fiends and their families who are horrified at what is happening and predicted all this back when Yanukovich was deposed. One is from Odessa and two from Kiev. The one from Odessa only speaks Russian, the other two are bi-lingual. I have no desire to get involved in this conflict. Those sympathies I have are with the Russian-speaking insurgents. Victoria Nuland should be jailed as a war criminal.
ReplyDeleteVictoria Nuland's cell phone was bugged and she was caught listing all the people she wanted in the the new government. She got her wish and does not deny the authenticity of the tape. The Georgian Army was being trained by US and Israeli soldiers because it is in strikinh distance of Iran. I am sticking to the facts.
ReplyDeleteIf you want a war, I hope you will go and put YOURSELF in the line of fire.
ReplyDeleteWell, if someone dies in this conflict you long for, may it be you!
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