The other day I was out for a walk in my neighbourhood when a very dangerous occurrence of social distancing happened right in front of me. Thankfully no one was hurt, but it could have turned out very differently. Afterwards, I had to wonder about people's thought processes where avoiding me was considered more important than possibly getting hit by a bicycle and a car or maybe both.
As you can see in the rough drawing above, I was walking on the left of the footpath (see red arrow heading up). Two people (dark red arrows) chose to walk around the parked car so as to avoid walking anywhere near me. While a cyclist (orange arrow) and a car (large purple arrow) came past them far more closely than would have been safe, as they were making their way around the parked car.
My thoughts were, WTF???
I suppose this is a blog post therefore I should now spell out what is wrong with this, but I figure anyone reading this site is likely to get it. And that is not my way. I can't imagine anything more painful than having to over-explain something.
As you can see in the rough drawing above, I was walking on the left of the footpath (see red arrow heading up). Two people (dark red arrows) chose to walk around the parked car so as to avoid walking anywhere near me. While a cyclist (orange arrow) and a car (large purple arrow) came past them far more closely than would have been safe, as they were making their way around the parked car.
My thoughts were, WTF???
I suppose this is a blog post therefore I should now spell out what is wrong with this, but I figure anyone reading this site is likely to get it. And that is not my way. I can't imagine anything more painful than having to over-explain something.
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