We are currently at Level 2, whereby shops and swimming pools are open, we can go to cafes and restaurants (as long as our group is no larger than 10 people, but more than 10 can be in a cafe or restaurant) we can hop on public transport and sit next to someone we know or space away from people we don't know. However, church services for more than 10 people are not allowed. No matter the size of the building nor the spacing between congregants, church cannot be trusted the way cafe patrons and public transport users are being trusted right now. Hearing our Prime Minister justifying this the other day you'd thing church was all about 'mixing and mingling', which is what we need to avoid right now. And maybe it is for some, maybe the cups of tea and the flitting from person to person is what church is about for some after they've had their bit of prayer. But not all churches are set up this way, so it seems crazy (or is it just pure laziness?) to classify all ...