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Valedictorian Defies No Prayer In School Rule - Says Lord's Prayer

After his school (like many others) was bullied by the ACLU in America to disallow a prayer at his high school graduation, Roy Costner, who was to give the valedictorian speech, tore it up and instead said the Lord's Prayer to huge cheers from those present. We need more people like this.


  1. Just checking: if a future valedictorian gets up there and recites the shahada, you'll find that just as totally awesome, right? Because public declarations of religious faith are so admirable?

  2. PM, not the same. America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. It is/was woven into the fabric of their culture and they used to be able to freely profess that belief in schools and were proud to do so. I'm sure Muslims are still proud to say the shahada in their schools, but it isn't the faith and heritage of America. America seems to be almost embarrassed of the faith their Founding Fathers built the country on.

    Actually, I'm betting if a Muslim DID want to say the shahada at a graduation ceremony, then he wouldn't be stopped.

  3. OK, I get it. It's just a variant of the "This is a Muslim country" bullshit I used to get in the Middle East. Fortunately it's a flavour of bullshit that's rare these days in western countries.

  4. This is the type of weapons grade fact fee moronic rant that I expect from Crusaderwabbit.

    a few facts for you to digest.

    1. Prayer is not banned in any American public school. If you disagree, please provide citations.

    2. The ACLU does not "bully" schools, unless you think that expecting schools to uphold the constitution and the law is bullying. As I have pointed out previously, the ACLU has mounted cases in support of students' right to religious expression.

    3. America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Lie. Do read some history, and try to understand it. The first recorded use of "judeo-christian was in 1899. Furthermore, As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, The Treaty of Tripoli, signed by President John Adams. I think he'd know, being one of the founding fathers and all that.

    What IS prohibited, is government mandated prayer, that is, the forcing of sectarian prayer on to all and sundry, regardless of belief or lack thereof.

    Your valedictorian is just another know nothing christian supremacist who seems not to have read Matt 6:6.

    He took an opportunity to celebrate learning as an opportunity to impose his religion on others.

  5. LRO, I think you are wrong. You spoke about John Adams - in Adams' letter to Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massacusetts in October of 1798 he said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

    And what religion do you think he was talking about? Islam? No, he was talking about Christianity, in the same country that has "In God We Trust" inscribed on all its currency.

    And yes, the ACLU bans any sort of public prayer in case it causes offence to others etc. Tell that to General Patton who rang and asked a Monseigneur for a prayer for the weather then had it made into 250,000 copies and distributed to every man in the Third Army.

    General Patton and the Third Army Prayer | Crisis Magazine

    Do you think someone in the Army could do this today? I very much doubt it. Or what did you think then David Bowie prayed the Our Father on bended knee at a concert - David Bowie Prayer - YouTube

    Do you think that ought to be allowed? I bet the ACLU would object. In truth, I think they object to religious prayer. Their philosophy is, 'keep it to yourself'. They do not like to see any public expression of religion. It's a way of suppressing religion.

    Many famous leaders and coaches publicly prayed for their troops or teams.

  6. Quote: "The first recorded use of "judeo-christian was in 1899."

    So? Is your argument that something doesn't exist until it is named?

    Quote: "He took an opportunity to celebrate learning as an opportunity to impose his religion on others."

    Ironic he got so much applause then. Sharing of ideas is not necessarily an imposition, LRO, and what use learning if it is not applied? He made a statement and his actions were recognised and applauded. Nicely done.

  7. Quote: Just checking: if a future valedictorian gets up there and recites the shahada, you'll find that just as totally awesome, right? Because public declarations of religious faith are so admirable?

    Not all things are equal, as Fletcher points out. context is also very important.

    That being said, I do find personal testimony of the things that make a profound influence on a person's life to be interesting. That source could be religious, a specific experience, the impact of a mentor or special person and so on. I don't think we need to exclude certain types of inspiration/testimony from a person's speech.

    Above, LRO would argue that hearing anything but a secular discussion on education is inappropriate - well, I disagree, and the Christian elements of our cultural heritage are certainly not "bullshit", IMHO.

  8. I notice than in Texas, another student wanted to make some remarks about freedom of speech and the Constitution and they cut his microphone off. Yeh, these universities like to talk big about democracy, tolerance, and freedom of speech, but only when it's something they agree with.

    A Texas high school silenced its Valedictorian’s microphone during his speech when he diverted from his pre-approved remarks and began to speak about the constitution.

    Joshua High School graduate Remington Reimer, who was accepted into the Naval Academy, had his microphone silenced during his speech right after he told fellow graduates that school officials had threatened to cut him off the day before.

    His speech began like any other: 'I’m honored to stand before you today as the Valedictorian of 2013!'

    Reimer thanked his parents, teachers and classmates. 'Most people have never ever heard me speak much less see me smile,' said Reimer.

    He then talked about his faith and God, 'Most important I want to thank God for giving us the only son who went through excruciating death on a cross…'

    Then he said it was his constitutional right to talk about such topics. 'I was threatened with having the mic turned off,' and right then the mic was turned off.

    Reimer continued with his speech, but some thought that he had finished and began applauding.

    He continued speaking even though few could hear him.

    Colin Radford, a fellow graduate explained what happened to 'He just said, he was talking about getting constitutional rights getting taken away from him, and then he said, just yesterday they threatened to turn my microphone off, and then his microphone went off.'

    'Student speakers were told that if their speeches deviated from the prior-reviewed material, the microphone would be turned off, regardless of content,' Joshua Independent School District said in a statement.

    Valedictorian's mic cut off as he made impromptu speech about value of the constitution | Mail Online


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