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The Diana Conspiracy

The title of this post is a little misleading actually; it's more of a book-review of sorts. I'm not a Diana conspiracist (I don't think that's an actual word?) or fan. I've pretty much always thought of the infamous Paris car-crash as an accident. Investigate magazine has an article or excerpt from a new book written by a Kiwi questioning some of the evidence. I haven't even read that. What I did pick up the other day was a book by Tom Cain called The Accident Man. It's a 'what-if' in the Robert Ludlum style based upon the death of the princess. What if it was a conspiracy? What if the Russian Mafia were behind it because their sales of land mines were dipping due to Diana making the issue a kind of cause célèbre.

Those are questions the book asks. Samuel Carver is the 'accident man' of the title who 'arranges' what looks like accidents in his job of hired assassin. But has he bitten off more than he can chew on this one when he is one of the loose ends that needs tidying up after the event.

The book was OK. More interesting toward the middle that at the end. The ending had some quite nasty torture scenes (be aware of that if you don't like to read things like that; I usually don't). It's kind of weird to read about things that actually happened (especially a death) in a fictional setting. I hadn't heard of the book before I saw it in the red shed but I'm surprised it hasn't got a little bit more attention, what  with the court case that is being played out now in real life.

If you're a fan of thrillers you might like it.


  1. So what does the book conclude regarding her death?

  2. what of the priory of sion and the her being the of the line of magdalene and the templars and library of alexandria and what about the number 42 and pope john paul 1 and the masons, illuminati, the dollar bill and the pick of destiny and Jesse Ryder and whaddabout...

  3. ..the font used? I need to know the font.

  4. On the cover you mean? Or in the book itself?

  5. oh, sorry, didn't see you were continuing on from greg's


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