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The power of prayer in defeating same-sex marriage in Australia this month

The Holy Father's General Prayer intention for this month of September was: "That politicians may always act with honesty, integrity, and love for the truth."

Many, many Catholics around the world pray daily for the Holy Father's intentions. I definitely do, without even knowing what they are most of the time. All those prayers must have had an effect with the Australian Federal Upper and Lower Houses and the Tasmanian Upper House firmly rejecting same-sex marriage this month.

Hopefully there will be some longer term effects from this prayer for NZ politicians when they vote again on the same-sex marriage bill here. We unfortunately missed out on the grace from this General Intention, as our initial vote was in August, ironically on the Feast of John the Baptist, who was killed because he spoke out against a king's choice of woman (or young girl, actually). Speaking out against what our rulers want to do when they are morally blinded is potentially fraught with danger - that was the message that I took from the vote being on that day.

Related link: Holy Father's Prayer Intentions For 2012 ~ EWTN