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Jailed priest in Philadelphia might be imprisoned for a crime that never happened

The Media Report website posted last week that the Philadelphia priest who was found guilty last year and jailed, may have been imprisoned for a crime that never happened.
The conviction of Philadelphia's Msgr. William J. Lynn last June was historic and widely trumpeted by an overheated media, as Lynn became the first member of the Catholic hierarchy to be found guilty in a criminal court for endangering children.

And the sole reason Lynn sits in jail today is because former priest Edward Avery had pleaded guilty to sexually violating a 10-year-old boy in the late 1990s. Prosecutors claimed that Lynn should not have placed Avery into a ministry assignment because the priest had a prior abuse accusation dating back to the 1970s. Had Lynn kept Avery out of public ministry, prosecutors charged, he would not have been able to abuse the 10-year-old.

But in a truly shocking development, Avery took the witness stand today in a Philadelphia courtroom and recanted under oath his guilty plea.

This remarkable turn-around indicates that Msgr. Lynn may likely be sitting in jail based on a crime that never even happened!
You won't hear about this in the NZ media, who are only interested when Catholic priests are found to be evil, not when they might be falsely accused.  Doesn't fit into the witch hunt narrative.

Yep, checked the NZ Herald and Stuff, by searching for "Philadelphia Lynn".  The only articles there are those that talk about Mons. Lynn's trial and conviction.

Related link: Philly Trial SHOCKER: Ex-Priest Recants Historic Guilty Plea; Is Msgr. Lynn In Jail Based On a Crime That Never Happened? ~ The Media Report
