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The Whistleblower: UN Scandal |
What might be important before you read this post, is some context of an earlier post of mine pointing out many of the times the UN IPCC and associated warmists have indicated the end of the world as we know it before the year 2013. Assuming you get the gist, here's an extract from the Green Party Post for you readers to ponder:
A Global Climate Policy
by Kennedy Graham
These past five weeks, I have visited Europe studying climate policy. I attended the UN’s 19th climate conference, UNFCCC COP-19, in Warsaw. After Poland, I visited Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom and European Union (Brussels). And I retraced my UN steps to the Middle East (Jordan) and spoke with leaders there as well.
There are thousands of Greenies like Kennedy Graham burning up the carbon in their quest for reducing other people's travel miles. Do they really think taxes will solve the problem, or will only Green Party members be allowed to use air travel in the future?
The international negotiations that are the UNFCCC reflect a well-intentioned effort of the 18th to 20th-century Westphalian system to solve a 21st global problem. If we had 50 to 100 years for the negotiations to run their course, we might get there. But the scientists say we have 5 years for global emissions to peak if we are to avoid dangerous climate change.
Let me translate this bit for you - it's important. The Westphalian system is a fancy way of saying that States (such as New Zealand) have sovereign power, and that sovereignty is respected in the international sphere.
We then go on to assert we only have 5 years left (remember, all the previous years where I link to stories where we only have 2,5,10 years left? We are officially dead right now, but assuming your reality persists, please read on).
The only recourse is to look for global executive action to supplement the wallowing international negotiations. As noted in previous blog-posts, the Security Council is the only body, however flawed, with existing legal capacity and institutional capability to undertake global executive action.
The only recourse is to circumvent any individual state's sovereignty and start using the United Nations Security Council as a bludgeon, to enact a World Governance Structure that will brook no disagreement, nor dissent. And note that all other options have run out. We are up to The Only Recourse.
This was my reply (below) on Frog Blog (currently under moderation, link may not work):
All this discussion is futile.
It’s over, and we are all dead. I read the reports. No more Arctic Ice by the year 2012. No more snow in Britain by 2005. No more ships caught in summer ice in the Antarctic, ever. And 200 million “environmental” refugees by the year 2010.
Genuine headlines, genuine appeals that the science was settled, genuine UN and IPCC reports.
And now, with all of that slightly off the mark, the message above is “end of the world like last week’s cardboard sign, but just add 5 years.
If you want to convince the people of the “hard right”, how about stop making such wild “scientific” pronouncements? Whilst getting on jet planes and doing more conferences.
It’s phrases like this that kind of p*ss me off:
The only recourse is to look for global executive action to supplement the wallowing international negotiations. As noted in previous blog-posts, the Security Council is the only body, however flawed, with existing legal capacity and institutional capability to undertake global executive action.
So, circumvent democracy to impose whatever *political* solution is deemed in the UN’s best interests?
Nice historical reference to Westphalia, then completely reverse position and say “screw State sovereignty, we know best”. It’s that Orwellian double-speak that does your rep no good.
I’d love to talk about real solutions to the issues of undeveloped countries always playing catch-up to developed countries, but not on the basis outlined above. Indeed, try “executive action” like that, and you might get the revolution you wanted. I’d hope though that the unelected dictators were the ones being lined up against the wall.
Just saying…
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