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Smacking Poll shows NZ'ers don't like anti-smacking law

Good on Family First for continuing to keep this issue in the media. The anti-smacking law is a travesty of social engineering that allows the Government to unjustly interfere in families where there is no actual child abuse, and therefore reduces the autonomy of good families from the State. It's not just about smacking, which is why the Government doesn't want to change the law despite most of New Zealand being against it.

Three out of four people back a law change to allow "correctional" smacking of children, a poll has found. But a child advocacy group says correctional smacking remains unacceptable.

The poll of 1000 randomly selected people was undertaken by Curia Market Research for advocacy group Family First.

Respondents were asked whether the anti-smacking law should be changed to state that "parents who give their children a smack that is reasonable and for the purpose of correction are not breaking the law".

Of those asked, 77 per cent said yes, the law should be changed. Asked whether they thought the anti-smacking law had had any effect on child abuse, 77 per cent of respondents answered no.

They were also asked whether they would still smack their child to correct behaviour, despite the law.

Two out of three respondents, or 68 per cent, said they would.

"Politicians probably hoped that the opposition to the anti-smacking law would eventually disappear, but this poll simply reiterates that the law is being disrespected and flouted, and is seen of no real value," said Family First national director Bob McCoskrie.

A spokeswoman for Justice Minister Judith Collins said there were no plans to review the law "as the justice sector is focused on other priorities".

Anthea Simcock, chief executive for advocacy group Child Matters, did not want to see the law changed.

"The current act makes it quite clear that hitting children as a correctional action is not acceptable and that people cannot hurt a child and then claim as a defence that they were using 'reasonable force'."

Eventually all punishment will be banned under the guise of 'psychological abuse'.

As John Key said a couple of years back when told he could change this legislation by lunchtime, that there were 'people' whom he wouldn't name that would be against it. Considering that most of NZ would have no problem with the law being changed, one wonders who these 'people' are.

Related link: Poll: People want smacking law changed ~ NZ Herald


  1. Lucia, all we'll need now is for them to repeal Gay Marriage when it is passed.

    A recent unscientific Herald poll of 20,000 on Family First showed 52% against gay marriage. Now that people are getting informed, the trend is definitely against changing the marriage law.

    Apart from the political implications, this is why they have jammed it through so quickly.


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