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Al Qaeda over Yonder

Al Qaeda is still trying to spin Iraq into civil war, but whereas in 2005-2006 Al Qaeda was succeeding, today Al Qaeda is being shredded.
Saddam killed many people, and would still be killing innocent people today if Iraq had been left alone. Removing Saddam created a power vacuum, and Al Qaeda rushed to fill it. It hasn't been Americans killing innocent Iraqi, it's been terrorists. Michael Yon, man on the ground in Iraq sees signs that their hold is weakening.
An Iraqi officer near Sinjar told me that recently a group of perhaps 20 "jihadists," many of them foreign, descended on a Nineveh village. The Iraqi officer said the terrorists killed some adults and two babies. One baby they murdered was 15 days old.

Until recently, such terror attacks inside Iraq could have coerced the village into sheltering Al Qaeda. Yet this time, the "jihadists" got an unexpected reception. Local men grabbed their rifles and poured fire on the demons, slaughtering them.

Nineteen terrorists were destroyed. Times have changed for Al Qaeda here. Too many Iraqis have decided they are not going to take it anymore. Al Qaeda in Iraq is still fighting, and they are tough and wily, but Al Qaeda Central seems to realize there are easier targets elsewhere, perhaps in Europe, where many people demonstrate weakness in the face of terror.
It's not just Europe where people demonstrate weakness. You can see it here in New Zealand.

Related Link: Dispatches from Iraq

Further information: Michael Yon Online


  1. Indeed Zen, you can only feed the crocodile for so long, eventually you have to stop feeding it and jump in and leave the rest up to God. Win or lose, either way you must fight back.

    Such is the nature of evil.


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