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Turning a blind eye

Seems that once the Jimmy Savile story broke, the number of BBC stars accused of sex with 9-16 year olds during the 60's, 70s and 80s seem to be steadily climbing. The latest is on Stuart Hall, as told by an acquaintance of Eddie Waring, a colleague of Stuart (The old "friend of a friend" testimony):

Eddie’s friend thought ­nothing of the “blokey stories” until last week when Hall, now 83, ­admitted 14 ­indecent assaults on 13 girls aged between nine and 17 during nearly two ­decades between 1967 and 1986. The friend, who has asked not to be named, told the Sunday People: “Back then it was lads’ banter and we all laughed as Eddie told the stories.

“Hall’s behaviour seemed ­perfectly acceptable in those days. Eddie said he had been ­nicknamed ‘the randiest man at the Beeb’ for his exploits and ­revelled in his reputation despite having a family. “Eddie believed Stuart was addicted to sex and would take whatever risks he had to to ­satisfy his lust.

“Nobody ever tried to tell Stuart that his behaviour was wrong because he was the big star of It’s A Knockout and ­nobody wanted to lose their well-paid jobs. Everybody just turned a blind eye.”

Given this story is pushed by the Mirror, it quite possibly fact mixed with fiction. However, I think the attitudes are reflected accurately here. Basically, openly raping (by definition) under 16 year olds, perhaps abusing young children and the people around just turning a blind eye to it. So the justice system might punish the odd media star, but how will they go about punishing the entire organization and the culture that found it acceptable to laugh this off?

Stuart Hall's Blokey Stories