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Danny Watson on getting priests to reveal Confessions

As promised from last week, I've put the first part of a talk back show on NewsTalkZB about forcing priests to reveal the contents of a Confession together into a You-Tube video. It's got Danny Watson's introduction and the first caller. I've added my responses to a few things in as text.

Here's the link to story of the martyrdom of Father Francis Douglas in WWII for refusing to reveal Confessions to the Japanese: Martyr for the Seal of Confession


  1. The Priest has the power to forgive sins OR NOT.

    The penance required can be to turn themselves in, in order to have forgiveness granted. I think this is a good thing for Priests to take into confession.

    Next time I talk to one I'll discuss this idea and see where it leads.

    As for breaking the seal of confession, a little like lawyers and journalists - it is something they cannot do or it will destroy confession.

    Getting the sinner to actually acknowledge their crimes is the first step to getting them to the next step.


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