What's up in the last week? I've missed it all, a small blessing I suspect.
Metiria Turei becomes co-Leader of the Green Party, so they are back to "one man, one women" as Jeanette heads for the hills.
The co-Leader idea is very cute. Why stop there though? Why not "one ginger, one blond and one brunette"? A slap on the pate to the bald demographic I suppose. I wonder if various Gay Groups could summon enough energy to take offense? Along the lines of: "We are offended by the Green's insistence on modeling a party of liberal values on a traditional male-female combination. Why not two males? Or two females? As long as we continue to promote this as a "natural" partnership we are perpetuating the very structure that prevents us moving forward as a society."
Personally, I think the Greens could have been a bit more creative with the leadership, and elected a marijuana plant as co-Leader. It's the ideal co-Leader - it doesn't argue with Russel, it's green, it absorbs CO2 and it represents a very important part of Green Party roots. The leafy part.
So Sue Bradford receives a smack down, and Turei says "Too right eh" to working with National. It's good to see even the Greens have figured out National is the new Labour, the one Labour voters may have hoped for if the party had a good clean out. We do not seem to have a centrist party in New Zealand that understands the consequences of a government taking more money from it's population and yet continues to live beyond its means. The first question to answer in budgeting is "do we really need this"? Families Commission. Children's Commission. Something like 17,000 employees in Ministry of Social Development who look after the same issues. Is there an overlap?
This post doesn't really have a point, so I'll change topics. Climate Change. I see the UN have come out with a new report saying 300,000 deaths a year are due to "Climate Change". It's the implicit message that man is at fault, and that paying a Kyoto tax will prevent this is the thing that irks here. Will the stupidity ever stop?
Related Link: Turei in, Bradford given time out
Metiria Turei becomes co-Leader of the Green Party, so they are back to "one man, one women" as Jeanette heads for the hills.
The co-Leader idea is very cute. Why stop there though? Why not "one ginger, one blond and one brunette"? A slap on the pate to the bald demographic I suppose. I wonder if various Gay Groups could summon enough energy to take offense? Along the lines of: "We are offended by the Green's insistence on modeling a party of liberal values on a traditional male-female combination. Why not two males? Or two females? As long as we continue to promote this as a "natural" partnership we are perpetuating the very structure that prevents us moving forward as a society."
Personally, I think the Greens could have been a bit more creative with the leadership, and elected a marijuana plant as co-Leader. It's the ideal co-Leader - it doesn't argue with Russel, it's green, it absorbs CO2 and it represents a very important part of Green Party roots. The leafy part.
So Sue Bradford receives a smack down, and Turei says "Too right eh" to working with National. It's good to see even the Greens have figured out National is the new Labour, the one Labour voters may have hoped for if the party had a good clean out. We do not seem to have a centrist party in New Zealand that understands the consequences of a government taking more money from it's population and yet continues to live beyond its means. The first question to answer in budgeting is "do we really need this"? Families Commission. Children's Commission. Something like 17,000 employees in Ministry of Social Development who look after the same issues. Is there an overlap?
This post doesn't really have a point, so I'll change topics. Climate Change. I see the UN have come out with a new report saying 300,000 deaths a year are due to "Climate Change". It's the implicit message that man is at fault, and that paying a Kyoto tax will prevent this is the thing that irks here. Will the stupidity ever stop?
Related Link: Turei in, Bradford given time out