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Friday night free for all

Hi all, it's Friday again.

Not a lot of posting from me this week, however I am involved in two conversations on Catholicism on other sites (Being Frank, Liturgy).

I've had a busy week, what with home-schooling, house-work, after-school sports activities and meetings with my own personal groups. I'm trying to really focus on what is most important, without getting too side-tracked.

Especially after watching Seasons 1 and 2 of the Rome tv programme which my brother kindly bought me for my birthday. But my eyes have been seared by various sex scenes I did not want to see! So apart from the sex scenes (which I tried not to watch as soon as they appeared), it was very good. Certainly helped bring that period of history to life.

So, how is everyone else?


  1. Been a busy week for me too. I noted with pleasure the first day of spring - and a glorious day it was too. It didn't last long though, because the weather dipped and right now is a raging storm. Still, got home tonight before darkness set in. Seems to make a difference somehow.

  2. I'm very much enjoying the increased sunlight. I've even been able to hang my washing out on occasion and come back later and find it dry.

  3. I'm better this week....But The Boss has bronchitis.

  4. Hi Ciaron!

    It's good you're better. Maybe make The Boss a lemon tea with honey?

  5. My daughter took me for a walk up Flagstaff hill on the outskirts of Duneidn late this afternoon and we got snowed on.

    The longer days are welcome but the temperatures have yet to recognise spring.

  6. I've learnt this week that nursing is not for me.

  7. Hi HP!

    Snow, huh? That would have been cold!

  8. Ciaron, and does your patient agree? (assuming they survived your ministrations?)

  9. Bloggers that have their comments moderated really slow down their blogs. I've got two comments in moderation on the second site I've linked to in my post that still haven't turned up. Makes it look like I haven't replied.

  10. Zen, yes but she says she still loves me...

  11. Well, there's something going around here that my neighbor describes as the "100 day cough".

    Also comes with conjunctivitis as an optional extra - no charge.

  12. Oh, HP I heard your calming voice on the radio the other day. Unfortunately just caught the end.

  13. I enjoyed your Monday quiz HP. Perhaps because I actually knew 3 of the 5 answers for once :-)

    And I'll take the bonus point, merci.

  14. Must have the same 'illness' around these ways too srcubone .. with a few nose bleeds thrown in for good measure.

    Evening all .. cool here but starry, starry night.


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