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Vigilantism greater crime than child abuse

In August last year, two brothers broke down after discovering their uncle had abused their young sister, and earlier abused the baby daughter of one of the brothers and raped their mother when she was a teenager.

They bashed him.

They got jail time. The uncle, a serial abuser, was given home detention.

Society can rail all they like about the evils of child molesters, but the court system sends a very different message. The State will protect its monopoly on violence far more harshly than it would protect from violence being visited on the innocent.

Sex Abuser Penalty Unjust


  1. "Society can rail all they like about the evils of child molesters, but the court system sends a very different message. The State will protect its monopoly on violence far more harshly than it would protect from violence being visited on the innocent."


    It sure makes a mockery of child abuse and protection of the innocent.

    I supposed if the Uncle had smacked or beaten the children. Then he would have done a stretch in prison? Sex crimes seem to be tolerated more by the same society by not upholding the laws inplace for that very kind of evil abuse.

    Classic case with CYPS condoning a 14yr old girls relationship with a 20yr old. If it was probably one of us in that situation and being Christian we would be smeered all over the media for being perverts and prosecuted for sex with a minor!


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