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Poland Banning Discussion of Homosexuality in Schools

In EU right now we have on the one hand Britain experimenting with teaching very young children about gay relationships and making it illegal for religious schools to teach that homosexuality is immoral, and on the other, Poland to be making any discussion of homosexuality in schools completely illegal.
The Polish government is to ban discussions on homosexuality in schools and educational institutions across the country, with teachers facing the sack, fines or imprisonment.

Poland's education minister, Roman Giertych, has said he hopes to introduce a similar ban across the entire EU.

Mr Giertych, the leader of the ultra-conservative League of Polish Families, a junior coalition partner in the government of prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said the aim of the proposed law would be to "prohibit the promotion of homosexuality and other deviance".


The European Commission has condemned the Polish government, whose motto is "moral renewal", for its homophobic views.

During a visit to Poland at the weekend, the EU's current president, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, delivered a thinly veiled warning to Poland's anti-gay politicians, telling an audience that Europe was a "continent of tolerance ... that understands variety not as a threat but as enrichment".
I do find it interesting that Angela Merkel is not also warning Britain about intolerance. It seems the only type of intolerance that is allowed is intolerance against those who consider certain lifestyles immoral.

Related Link: Poland to ban schools from discussing homosexuality