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Friday Night Free For All

It's Friday. It's been pretty quiet (except for the lurkers, who still register on my stat counter), so drop in and actually say something. If you feel like it. No pressure. I mean, we've disabled anon comments - you've got to at least have a blogger handle or something. But it's the least you can do if you want a voice. Let's not talk about "right to offend" though. There is no such right. It's simply a statement of fact. If you offend, there are consequences. Indeed, there are consequences to everything. What pleases atheists is that consequences are only limited to this life.

Isn't that a comforting thought? Wouldn't want to be wrong though, would you? And that's the other thing that can piss off an atheist. The implied threat in having a different world view. Yeah, you could cross the road blindfolded too, if that makes you feel better. Doesn't change the traffic volumes.

So argue all you like. Doesn't matter until we are all dead, then we can revisit this. You can absolutely be confident that I would not for a moment even THINK the phrase "I told you so". That's just not me, and quite frankly I don't have a clue. Just a belief. We'll maybe I have a few clues. Those are also hotly disputed.

Apparently, belief's are a character deficiency, in liberal circles - and therefore it's one I must live with - you are in the clear. You lot have different issues. Why not crack a beer and contemplate what they might be? In the meantime, we can talk about something completely different - anything. If you have a blogger login.

Be brave. Say something. Talking trivia may be the most significant thing you will do today.


  1. Aussie Henson paedo photo exhibition and "right to free speech" art-luvvies.

  2. Sharon Stone's karma comment on Chinese earthquakes.

    Insensitive National Party refuses to don hoodies for youth week.

    When will National reveal a policy?

    Is the effect of TV shows like CSI and Criminal Intent and the cases of David Bain, Scott Watson and the police rape trials now influencing the judgement of jurors?

    What does darling Mummy Kahui mean when she suggests "something" killed my babies?

  3. The taniwha (sp?) did it, Greg.
    Evening folks.

  4. Arvo from Christchurch.

    Well, Kate Wilkinson tried to put out some anti-Kiwi Saver policy but got told to pull her head in!

    No votes in hoodies.

    Screw Sharon Stone's karma inquiry. Have you seen this robot monkey?

  5. National hoodie day for the demented fools that are plummeting this country into absurdity.

  6. Good evening from the winterless north. We have a big fuck off fire lit and are all sitting in our undies because I got some wood from my "connection" today, he assured me it would burn brighter than a 3 week old reheated vindaloo. HE WAS RIGHT, Couch has been moved back and ranch sliders are all open. I think the wood may have been infused with depleted uranium.

  7. Totara schmotara, I like the sound of this depleted uranium.

  8. Evening all. Just been playing "Mr Commuter". Now I must forage for food. I like the sound of your fire BB. I had a big piece of cow for dinner last night, but tonight will be Italian. Dominos Pizza and red wine. Atomic.

  9. It is definitely not totara. I shall investigate tomorrow. Assuming of course my entire estate has not melted through to the core of the earth. Seriously I am concerned the glass door is going to melt.
    I have removed the rest of it and got a few logs of cassarina to put on when this nuclear shit has stopped giving the back wall a tan.

  10. If you superimpose yourself between the wall and the flames, you might head off a natural disaster.

    And whatever the outcome, you'd go down as "hero" in anyone's book. I'd suggest you stand their holding a beer, but only the English would find the prospect of a warm beer comforting in their final moments...

  11. I'm burning the blue gums i cut down two years ago

  12. No beer, though. On-call until Tuesday night.


  13. The 6 year old has just asked to go to bed.
    Note to self, make common areas uncomfortable at 7 p.m. every night.

  14. Right- I'm going to try that- I too have a six year old that avoids bed like the plauge!

  15. Lots of beer here--no work until Tuesday.
    We just bought another cord of firewood, since the last lot only lasted two weeks.

  16. The Great Global Warming Swindle is on Prime tomorrow night. And the Greens want it banned.

  17. we all need to email everybody we know to watch the ggws. I think a post is in order at my place. Although I am off blogging this week. The new left wing troll blog that everybody else seems to luuurve has really pissed me off this week.
    The twat has bombarded my site with vileness and put up a post that was extremely defamatory and very insulting. This anonymous shit is getting very tired, I should be in a position to move out of anonymity by year end. At which time I will actively seek out these creatures and pay them back with interest.

  18. I have been a little concerned at how angry it has made me. I have let it spoil my week. Must take a breath and just accept it as the price I have to pay for blogging.

  19. I've been doing this a lot longer. This happens every few years.

    It is MOST frustrating no being able to physically chastise these sot of swine!

  20. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

  21. Fugley has issues Dad4justice. We must be patient with him, and hope he comes right.

    Whoever is accusing you of those hateful things probably also has issues. Maybe they didn't have parents who loved them or something? Maybe society is to blame?

    We can only hope that moments before karma runs them over, reverses and runs them over again, they find it within themselves to repent and apologise.

  22. 'sup homies?

    (thought that was appropriate language on hoodie day).

    Yo bro, c ya round like a record.


  23. Evening all from a fairly chilly West Auckland.

  24. My blog is not a fence or wall for some moron to grafitti.


    Look at it this way, BB - much as many of us find the gratuitous obscene abuse plastered all over Big Girl's Blouse hilarious, when you look at the more serious posts there, is this someone you'd trust to provide an insightful assessment of your character? By the deranged standards applying there, we're all unprintable unprintables of some description. Badge of honour, mate.

  25. Wise words, as ever PM. And this time around, I actually agree with them :-)

    But to Gooner's question - Are records round? No, aren't they A4 size? From a Hoodie perspective, we might also call them "rap sheets".

    Finally got the Friday night pun in. Not that anyone will notice...

  26. Point made and understood PM
    Did anybody see Lorelie Masons report on bowel cancer last night. Basically she said she had made a general inquiry last week asking what was being done about the fact that we are top 3 worldwide for deaths from this cancer. She was told that they were thinking about a pilot screening programme but it was years way.. All of a sudden out of the blue the health ministry announces this week that they are fast tracking a testing trial. No mention of dates, funding or structure. Just a suspiciously timed announcement one week after a general inquiry from a journo. Anybody else smell electioneering spin?

  27. heaps of spin, producing random directions for huge (tax payer) expense.

    No doubt, after 4 years and 360 million dollars they will announce a cure for vowel cancer is imminent.

    In health, vowel cancer is A & E are IOU's on tax dollars.

    ...scrub one, that's another pun. Where are you?

  28. Do you think the Green party will do a deal with the government to orchestrate a power cut in NZ at 8:40 on Sunday night so that we ar eunable to watch the Great Global Warming Swindle.

    That reminds me of this post:

  29. "Do you think the Green party will do a deal with the government to orchestrate a power cut..."

    I'm sure they'd love to, but no government with any brains or hopes of winning an election would try a stunt like that. None the less, will such a viewing make much of a difference to the people, a backlash from it perhaps, do the greens really have to fear it that much? Or are they just being hysterical as usual.

  30. Evening Everyone.
    Greetings from Silverdale.
    We don't don't get Prime down my country lane so i will have to watch Swindle tomorrow online.
    I posted the link on No Minister yesterday, along with the link to a similar Canadian film.
    The BigGirls Blouse chicks did not like Friday Frolics either.
    And I thought PM and I were being quite nice and charitable!

  31. A tough audience. You get that from time to time.


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