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Marriage Counselling vs Earth Hour

The Dumb Ox has a far better idea to save power than turning off all the lights for one hour once a year ...
Apparently Earth Hour managed to save the same amount of power that would be used by several average NZ households over a year, but I have a far better way of saving way more power than this – it’s called marriage counseling. You see, if you could save just ten NZ marriages, you would prevent ten NZ families from splitting up into 20 different households, and then using twenty different lots of resources and power, instead of only ten lots of resources and power.
Not sure the Greenies will take to it, though.

Related Link: I turned off all my lights, the planet has now been saved ~ Being Frank


  1. Interesting lateral thinking Lucyna - perhaps you should have applied for jobs summit cash? (keeping counsellors employed - how very Greenie of you ;) )

    Most Greens are social liberals, so would be cautious about such an approach, I would imagine, as liberals don't see keeping a marriage together as being as vital as conservatives do, and would have concerns about keeping a spouse in a possible domestic abuse situation. However, Greenies are in favour of social harmony, so would probably favour voluntary marriage counselling...

    None of which dispenses from the need to do something about reducing unnecessary energy consumption (he says with lights & computer on ;( ). You don't have to worship Gaia to want a clean and sustainable Earth :)

  2. SquareDrive,

    Note that it is a quote, but the sentiment of keeping couples together applies across the board. A couple of months back there was some research done in the UK on the BILLIONS that family breakups cost the taxpayer. It's not just the environment that suffers.

    I truly doubt there would be any squeemishness on the part of Greenies on the keeping of abusive spouses together. The research also shows that partnered women (those unmarried ladies) and their children are far more at risk of abuse than their married counterparts. Haven't heard a peep from social liberals on this matter.

    One person's unnecessary consumption is another's vital necessity. :)

  3. The first comment is proof enough of the stupidity and narrow-mindedness of the left. Trying to keep families together = trying to keep the husband beating the tripe out of his wife. The only way you can get the left to support marriage counseling over stupid groping-in-the-dark schemes to feel good is if the counseling is for homo-couples.

    "Not sure the Greenies will take to it, though."

    You can be sure they won't Lucyna and a sure-fire way of ensuring their life-long opposition would be to produce evidence that it actually works.


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