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Green Logic

The Greens move to ban meat pies in schools because 16 year olds cannot be trusted to make rational decisions about what they eat for lunch.

The Greens move to let 16 year olds vote. Because they can be trusted to make rational decisions?

Nice one Sue. (Thanks for that thought, Gerrit.)


  1. Or maybe because 16 year olds cannot be trusted to make rational decisions on who to vote for? They will of course, vote Green.

  2. Thats a good point. No doubt it will be lost on the greens who appear to lack the ability to think.

  3. ragged glory,

    if the greens had though... they would realise that the voting age is entrenched. You cant change the voting age with a simple majority of parliament unless that vote is subject to a referendum.

  4. Are we noticably warmer over the last ten years?
    Are the seas sweeping further inland?
    Is the native forest area growing or shrinking?
    Is our atmosphere getting poisonous?
    Is the air filled with dust from inland desertification?

    All these sorts of things are promised, and every year they don't eventuate the population gets a little older on the average and a little more cynical. Bradford needs those impressionable young minds.



  5. Green Logic- oxymoron of the week!

  6. The Greens may propose a legislation to ban ugly faces from setting foot on a public place, nationwide. This will be a great day for NZ as all the Green MPs won't be able to attend their Parliamentary duties.


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