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A Jewish rebirth in Poland

I don't know how many people know that prior to the Holocaust, Poland had been for a long time had the largest Jewish population in the world. Jewish history has been entwined with Polish for the last thousand years. I've read a few stories now of the Jewish rebirth in Poland, so thought I'd share this latest one here.
WARSAW - As the last of the Holocaust survivors pass away, and with them the memory of the heights of Polish Jewry, the nation's menorahs seem to be flickering back to life.

An estimated 70 percent of Jews of European ancestry - and two-thirds of Jews in the United States - can trace their origins to Poland. Now Poland's small but growing Jewish community, while remembering the tragedy of the Holocaust, is trying to get both their fellow Poles and the world to think not just of death but of life.
For more, read: In Poland, lamp of Jewish culture shines anew
