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It's Christian Unity Week (Jan. 18-25)

As I've been spending a bit of time on various Protestant sites over the last while, I thought the following message from the Pope might be enlightening:
At the Last Supper Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one so that the world might believe, Pope Benedict said.

"That the world might believe -- today we strongly sense the realism of these words. The world suffers from the absence of God, from the inaccessibility of God. It wants to know the face of God. But how can it recognize the face of God in the face of Christ if we Christians are divided, if one teaches against another, if one stands against another?" the pope asked.
The sad thing is, I've heard absolutely nothing about Christian Unity Week at all in the Parish I belong to. I wouldn't be surprised if very many Catholics are even aware of it. Just goes to show how out of touch we are here in NZ. Either that, or not much notice is taken of what goes on in the Vatican.

Related Links:
Pope says in praying for unity Christians identify cost of divisions ~ Catholic News Service
Full Text of Pope's Speech ~ Vatican


  1. Interesting, considering that the Vatican said last year that the Catholic church was the only true church. Bit divisive, no?

  2. Also at the presentation was the ghost of Martin Luther who insisted that the whole Protestation thing was a bit of a joke and he was surprised anyone was still taking it seriously especially when the current Pope is such a lovely fellow. Protestant churches have yet to respond.

    The Vatican also reported success in it's experiments to send someone back in time to assassinate Joseph Smith and so expects the whole Mormon Church to be swallowed by by temporal anomolies by about lunchtime.

    The Vatican's approach to the Seventh Day Adventists has yet to be formulated but may extend as far as the abolition of Saturday.


  3. Christopher, oh, I don't know. Faced with maybe 33,000 Protestant denominations and counting - they can't all be right, can they?

    Fergus, I can see you'll just love The Midnight Sun's post on Gays and Muslims Slam Christian Christ. Bit of an obsession there - when I lived in Sydney, they only played dressups as nuns. Bit of an anti-up.

  4. ...they can't all be right, can they?

    Indeed, I don't think any of them are right. Religions, that is.

  5. I protest, mine's not even vaguely blasphemous.

  6. The sad thing is, I've heard absolutely nothing about Christian Unity Week at all in the Parish I belong to. I wouldn't be surprised if very many Catholics are even aware of it. Just goes to show how out of touch we are here in NZ. Either that, or not much notice is taken of what goes on in the Vatican.

    Actually, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated at a different time in New Zealand (and Australia, I think). This year it's from May 4-11.


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