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The betrayal is complete: "Spy a former security guard" blazes the front page headline in this mornings DomPost.
A student who admits that he spied on anti-mining activists is a former Wellington Security Guard. .. But Mr Paterson-Rouse is a former security guard -- a revelation that has left his former friends and environmental protesters feeling "betrayed, angry, appalled and sickened"

Quelle horreur! A former security guard! This is too much. As a student, there was always the chance he'd graduate a communist and thus was redeemable. But a security guard?! This spy is nothing but a fascist bully boy. Oh the pain!

Spokeswomen Mountier said they would demand to know what information he supplied and why. Does she really have no idea? I can see it now:

"Did you tell them about our plan to chain ourselves to the railway track thus endangering lives and delaying the train for three hours?

"Did you raise the alarm when two of our team went missing in the blizzard conditions?"

"Did you let on we knew there were thousands of snails lurking in the bush, but forced Solid Energy to spend millions of dollars moving the 'last' 500 snails in the world?"

"Have you revealed our plans to use disruptive and illegal tactics at any time in the future?"

"Err, no. I thought the plan was to out myself as a spy, thus causing irreparable harm to Solid Energy, as any good double-agent is meant to do?"

"You fool, that was supposed to be a secret".

Well, there you go. Never trust a security guard.


  1. Well, this is all quite understandable given the apparent age of the protest leader.

    The one on the TV last night looked to be about 7 years old.

    Actually, while she looked that young, most 7 year olds I've met understand the advantages of capitalism only too well :)


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