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Homosexual hands off Poland

Sign the petition.

Related Link: Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute


  1. Lucyna, you often mention Poland, do you have Polish descendants ?

  2. Yes, I have Polish ancestors, if that's what you mean. Both parents. I was born here in NZ, both parents were born in Poland.

  3. My grandmother was of Polish extraction on my mothers side, and my grandfathers family were of Polish origin whose family had lived in Russia for over 100 years. They lived in the Ukraine but fled westwards when they discovered that because the family had received a coat of arms style recognition by the tzars decades earlier, they were likely targets of the Stalinist purges, so they ended up in Poland, and when annexed by Nazi Germany, my mother was born in a German labour camp in 1941.

    They emigrated to Australia in 1948.

  4. I think this is one of the reasons why Catholicism is still one of the fastest growing religions in the west (along with Islam).

    They stand for something. I've just signed the petition so good stuff.

  5. Signed and done. Its almost like an internet version of the Battle of the Vistula.....:-)

  6. Oopps..meant the Miracle of the Vistula

  7. Any of you signatories so far an EU citizen?

    Must say though, it's nice of you all to show your true colours by backing the concept that homosexuals aren't covered by the ECHR - very instructive.

  8. Some people aren't fighting this from the perspective that gay rights are violated PM, it's more about items H and K.

    There is a difference between tolerating and endorsing, and a country is entitled to work out how far its sovereignty goes when determining the school curriculum and the types of SIGs that it will allow to operate on school grounds.

    MacDonald's is free to advertise its wares, setup shops and MacDonald fan clubs etc, but no-one would raise an eyebrow if McDonald's claimed their right to "sell product" was being interfered with if they were told by the Polish Government they weren't allowed on school grounds.

    The LGBT lobby obviously thinks they should have their own shop on school grounds, training videos and pre-set class time, but it isn't necessarily a right. Sounds to me that most of the adult parents are not consenting to being rogered by the EU's version of lessons in social engineering.

  9. Its not only "gay rights" where Poland is out of step with the drones of Brussels but also abortion.

    The EU is a bureaucratic monster and I see no reason why EU standards of "human rights" should set the benchmark.

  10. Ah PM, its a very common method of getting what you want (or in this case, the EU getting what they want) by lumping in a whole pile of "charges" to force through the desired action - H and K.

    So, interestingly, you may even be understanding about H and K and there lies Poland's best strategy - refuse to debate this issue in "meal-deal" McDonalds marketing packages, but insist on going through the menu one by one. There is no requirement for the customer to buy the "value meal" let alone upsize it.

    Just buy the burger and refuse to pay for the fries, even if you get a free coke. coke's bad for you anyway.

  11. Zen, I think that's plausible but unlikely. Consider the two options:

    1. Items H and K are arguable, but given the existence of items I,J,L,M and N they're best seen as part of a spectrum of anti-gay discrimination by the Polish govt, so the fact they were included isn't surprising.

    2. Evil EU bureaucrats want to smuggle the promotion of a gay lifestyle into Polish schools via items H and K, so their interest in the actual discrimination exemplified by the other items extends only as far as they assist with that primary aim.

    On balance of probabilities, I'm sticking with number 1.

    Andrei: no reason at all - unless you want to be a member of the EU.

  12. The Catholic Church: last bastion against the tyranny of moral relativism in the west. To the barricades!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hum... As Lucyna herself alludes to, Poland has a long and sad history of Germans and Russians treating the Poles like pawns in a geopolitical chess game rather than citizens of a sovereign nation competent to manage its own affairs, foreign or domestic.

    Somehow, I think the Poles can - and will - sort own their own relationship with the EU, and my advice is neither welcome nor required.

  15. “The Catholic Church: last bastion against the tyranny of moral relativism in the west. To the barricades!”

    I like that. Tyranny of moral relativism.

    Instead we would have the tyranny of moral dictatorship, as articulated by the Catholic church.

    I know which Tyranny I prefer.


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