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I thought we were an autonomous collective

Going along with Lucyna's theme of the end of democracy, it is interesting to see that with the resignation of Gordon Copeland from United Future and going independent, we have an MP only in parliament because he was a list MP of United Future. Now that he isn't part of United Future, should he really have a seat in parliament?

On the other hand, Copeland's position over the anti-smacking bill more accurately reflected the views of his constituency.


  1. I would have thought hes gone and the next list MP steps up.

    Its not his seat, its the party seat.

  2. Yes Murray you would think so and it sounds right to me.

    But it is something that is not sorted out under current rules and thats a fact.

  3. My god this parliament just can't its shit together on anything... except ignoring the people who put them there.

  4. ..and when they don't ignore the people who put them there, but take into account their views, they get stick if they leave their party if they are a list MP.


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