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Death Penalty for (Accidental) Abortion?

It's tough when you have the death penalty thrown at you for killing an unborn child. Maybe Amnesty can go to bat for this guy - they believe it's a fundamental right, don't they? I'd add that they don't believe in the death penalty either - but that is now debatable. Related Link: Jury Recommends Death Penalty for Serial Abortionist


  1. Your link is an outright lie.

    Even a cursory read of the article reveals that he was neither an abortionist, nor are charges against him for 'murdering a fetus'.

    Please rename your link to something remotely similar to what the article actually says.

  2. (oo, I look dumb, yes he was convicted of second degree murder for the fetus - but he was NOT an abortionist, and Amnesty defends the right to choose to have an abortion, not to murder innocent pregnant women. Your post remains highly misleading).

  3. The satire tag is my get out of jail free, Hamish.

    Yes, Amnesty will likely be defending the right to choose who is allowed to kill whom. At the moment, Mother gets first dibs. Maybe Dad will also get the option? What if Dad wants to save the baby? That could get confusing.

    But the most interesting part of the post was really just a reminder that it's ok for the mother to kill pre-born because they are not recognised as human life, but oops, this guy is being punished for killing a pre-born, so maybe they will be recognised as human life...and whether people are for or against a women's right to terminate life, we may all eventually be able to agree (at the least) that human life was indeed terminated (even if it's for the best possible reasons...)

    On the other hand, did this person actually kill the baby? All he did was terminate the incubator, and the baby died as a side effect of this what they call murder in the second degree?

  4. And Hamish, can I add that it is very unusual for people to even read the link before commenting (if ever). Play to the rules, man.

  5. Unlike the government, I'll listen to the input from my constituents and adjust the post title...

    It used to read "Death Penalty for Abortion" and now reads "Death Penalty for (Accidental) Abortion?"

    Those question marks are so useful, dontcha think?


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