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Eclipse of the moon

I hope everyone's taking the time to watch it as it's happening right now!

Very cool. I'm hoping that we'll get a blood moon!

[edit] 'Blobby' pics added by Fletch


  1. Too cloudy here, Lucyna. ratz!

  2. Yup, I saw the whole thing! Right from the first 'bite' to the red moon now. Took some photos, but they'll probably be rubbish.

  3. KG, that's a pity. It's currently the colour of washed out blood from here. I thought at first I wouldn't get to see it for long as some big clouds covered it, but they're mostly blowing across the sky just below it.

  4. Yes! The clouds have cleared. What a beautiful sight. :-)

  5. Thanks, Fletch, for the pictures!

    Oh good, KG, I'm glad you got to see it!

  6. MrsTips, our eldest son and I stayed up far too late watching it. I'm off to buy a telescope now, I'm hooked!

  7. I love events such as this. I woke Miss 9 and took her out on the cold windy deck to see the Luna-Rosa.

    This morning she berated me for not waking her up. She could not remember being woken, wrapped in a blanket and carried outside.

    Maybe she will have a deja vue moment in seven years???

  8. Compared to the brilliant disc I though the darkened moon had a 3D floating effect and a heightened sense of distance and space.

  9. It reminded me of someone holding an egg up to a lightbulb :)


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