In my hunting around for good articles about pornography, I came across an introduction to a book called "Sexual Wisdom" , by Dr. RICHARD WETZEL, M.D. There is a myth floating around about men and sex that is so entrenched, that it is presumed as a given in any conversation about sex. I noticed it come up again on TBR where a commenter is saying that there is no way you can stop teenagers having sex, that they are going to no matter what you do. Why? Because many people today believe wholeheartedly in the myth that men need sex, not just want it, but need it. The greatest misconception about sex today is that people, especially men, have specific, genital, sexual needs. It asserts that men need to climax, need to fulfill fantasies, or need to have sex with a certain frequency, or in certain positions. [...] The "needs" misconception is the fundamental attitude underlying abuse of sex in society today - it gives men unwarranted power and control over women. Wides