Idiot/Savant recently declared National MP Dr Nick Smith and National MP Dr Jonathon Coleman to be misogynists for one of them calling Tizard a witch. I thought he was just a little over the top. Especially considering he wrote a "they were begging for it" post a while ago when Mallard called a certain group of women "chinless scarf wearers". But of course, going over the top works very well if you ration your barbs wisely. Which is why he probably shut down his comments section. But here is idiot again, gushing that Labour list MP Charles Chauvel is keen on lowering the voting age. But dissenting opinion? We'll have none of that in lefty-land - and he deals to Winston Peters with all the cunning of a sewer rat: Rather than the pedophobic attitudes displayed by Winston Peters.. Peters wants to keep the voting age the same. For this opinion, Idiot brands him a "pedophobe". I shudder to think what he'd be called resisting enfranchisement to