A hodge podge of stories, with little time to comment on them in depth, but then again perhaps there is no need to. Linley Boniface fights for the rights of breastfeeding mothers, pointing out that this very natural and healthy practice is increasingly considered an inappropriate activity in public. That's possibly because everything is sexualised as much as possible, so even breastfeeding gets the "ooh err" treatment. Which is ridiculous, but that's modern society for you. So here am I, a male, Christian who sees nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public. And so Linley finishes up with this strange quote: it's particularly ironic that conservative Christians seem to be among the most vociferous opponents of public breastfeeding..." . You might need to check your anti-Christian bias meter there Linley, given the Conservative Christians I know have little problem with it. And Andy Haden has apologised. So everything is alright then. Dennis Hopper