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Any moron can
write haiku; just stop at the
seventeenth syllab

The haiku remains popular, usually in the 5-7-5 syllable form, sometimes in 3-5-3 form. However, haiku purists dispute the rigidity and verbosity in the English version of Haiku's, due to the different structure and natural rhythm of the Japanese language. For those interested in such matters, here is a good short article discussing this perspective: Keiko Haiku Rules. That background makes this list of rules a little more understandable: Haiku Rules. As Geoff suggested: "Learn them, then forget them", or perhaps:

Haiku rules are
most important to follow
forget I said that

Also, some Haiku poets suggest incorporating a kigo, a season word, which indicate in which season the Haiku is set. For example, cherry blossoms indicate spring, snow indicate winter, and mosquitoes indicate summer, but the season word isn't always that obvious. Part of the reasoning behind this is that the content of the Haiku was often about describing every-day life in an interesting way. That just makes things plain difficult, doesn't it?

Why am I discussing this? Well, I just felt like writing a haiku. Here it is:

Quiet thoughts growing
On a blog for all to see
Ripples in a pond

Maybe you could leave one about NZ Conservative?

We reveal
Angry people stay cold
Sun melts snow
