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Alien Germs

It all sounds scientific, but from what I gather, some germs that made a trip on the space shuttle came back as mutant killers the size of a large rat, with energy beams from their eyes. It's a bit of a mystery. And the astronauts came back as Ben Grimm, Reed Richards, Sue Storm and Johnny Storm.
The researchers placed identical strains of salmonella in containers and sent one into space aboard the shuttle, while the second was kept on Earth, under similar temperature conditions to the one in space.

After the shuttle returned, mice were given varying oral doses of the salmonella and then were watched.

After 25 days, 40 percent of the mice given the Earth-bound salmonella were still alive, compared with just 10 percent of those dosed with the germs from space. And the researchers found it took about one-third as much of the space germs to kill half the mice, compared with the germs that had been on Earth.

The researchers found 167 genes had changed in the salmonella that went to space.
Related Link: Norrin Radd versus Salmonella


  1. It caught my eye too Zen, scary stuff this..

  2. Regarding Fantastic Four, you have more to worry about in the Russian cosmonauts who have spent over two years in space.

  3. Perhaps we could launch John Key's scrotum and contents into space?


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