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Welfare leads to moral decay

We don't talk much about welfare here at NZ Conservative. I know I did when I was more politically "right wing", but that was back before I researched the causes of welfarism. For in this society we have people that will live their entire lives on welfare and also those who will do anything but draw a benefit cheque, even when they might need the hand up.

So, I don't think welfare actually causes moral decay, if that's what the visiting American Priest who advised George Bush on reforming America's welfare system actually meant. But I do think the ready availability of welfare is a major contributing factor to long-term welfare dependence.
He now believes that the welfare state has failed to lift the poor out of poverty by creating a perverse incentive for people to stay on benefits, failing to help them overcome whatever obstacles are keeping them out of work, and neglecting the spiritual help that people need alongside money.

"The current welfare system is about politics and bureaucracy and takes over people's lives based on one-size-fits-all," he said. "But the problems of poverty are very individual, very nuanced. There are times when people need very direct charity, and other times when they need an infinite amount of patience. The bureaucratic mentality is not suited to this."

He believes that "direct charity" is best done by people motivated by spiritual beliefs who are prepared to make personal sacrifices, be creative and innovative and "think outside the box".

He advocates giving businesses and individuals the right to pay a portion of what would otherwise be their taxes directly to the charities of their choice, provided that the charities are recognised to be serving the poor. This would also have the economic advantage of keeping taxes low to encourage investment and economic growth.

"We need to reform the culture for people to take responsibility for their neighbours," he said.

"The problem with welfare societies is that when you have people relinquishing moral responsibility, you have moral decay as well. There is no guarantee that if you have a prosperous economy you are going to have a morally responsible society, but I think there is a greater chance than if you have the kind of weakening of the moral fabric that took place in the Soviet Union."
Related Link: Priest rubbishes welfare system ~ NZ Herald
