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Why is this news?

A woman in Oregon gave birth using donated sperm. And this is news?

Oh no, wait! The woman "changed her gender" and "became a man". And then got pregnant and gave birth...

Hmmm, nope, still can't see the news value.

Related Link: Pregnant man gives birth ~ NZ Herald


  1. Why do you have this tagged as homosexuality?

    Are you aware of the difference between homosexuality and gender reassignment?

  2. Oh spare me, Fugley!

    Of course I aware of what I am supposed to think. However the Emperor has no clothes in these parts. Have you not noticed?

  3. Sorry lucyna, the emperor is yours; I'm a republican.

  4. Just swap "emperor" for "president" then.

  5. It's pretty daft, that's for sure.

    Natural birth too. Wow, let's see a man do that!

    What the story really is: "woman who grew beard and had breasts removed has baby".

  6. Exactly scrubone. Or alternatively mutilated woman gives birth. The lack of rational comment on this is astounding. We have lost all sense of reason.


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