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Blog Stats for August 2009

The stats for August.

Page Loads : 13615 (9171,9800)
Average per day - 439 (296, 327)

Unique Visitors : 6819 (5182, 5982, 6387, 6241)
Average per day - 220 (167, 199, 208, 206)

Posts : 79 (64, 47, 71, 90)
Comments : 621 (391, 429, 472, 524)
Most comments for one post: 60 (43, 36, 77, 47)

Technorati Authority : 22 (20, 35, 44, 45)
Alexa Ranking : 364270 (344000, 302376, 294661, 335135)
NZ Alexa Ranking : 622 (610, 593, 644, 475)

Here's my calculation for the Tumeke NZ Blogosphere Statistics based on the following formula:

+ 220 (Daily Unique visitor traffic from Statcounter)
+ 22 (Technorati Authority)
+ 18 (Posts: 79/31*7)
+ 44 (Comments: (60+46+36+35) /4)*

= 304 (230, 278, 306, 312)
