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300 Protesters March in Auckland over Basset Sales

It is just silly.  But 300 protestors?  Come-on!

A massive 300 protesters turned out in NZ's largest city to protest the imminent sale of the nation's Bassets.

Basset hound owners are up in arms over plans to sell 49% of the bassets under National Party policy.

Does this mean nearly half the bassets will be sold, or just the ears of each basset, whch represents half the size of the basset?

"Bassets are something owned by all New Zealanders" said Prime Minister John Key, so this move just opens up the opportunity for mums and dads and kid investors to have a truly great pet without having to actually pay for its upkeep.  For those unable to experience the thrill of taking a basset for walkies, we will keep all the little plastic bags of poo and declare them as dividends."

The Labour and Greens have suggested that a new government department would be created to allocate dog walking privileges fairly to the market by regulating which Bassets would be up for walkies at any given time.  "This ensures private ownership remains vested in the original owner, but allows for others to experience the thrill of walkies when the dog leaves the property." explained Russel Norman.

Gareth Morgan said mining our thriving feline industry would be a better way to go, and suggested cats be prioritized for a float.  Preferably somewhere far out at sea, in a boat with a slow leak.

The protest of 300 Basset owners has sent a clear message to the government to stop hounding them.