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John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews talking in Auckland on Same-sex Marriage and the Threat to Religious Freedom

He's a very good speaker, and having heard him tonight talk about his conversion from atheism back to Catholicism (yes, he's a revert like me), I urge all of you interested Aucklander to get along and listen and support him with numbers. There will be protestors, apparently, as well.


  1. Lucia,

    Thank you for the reminder about this meeting . Health reasons prevent me from being there personally but I will be there in spirit and in prayer ... will offer up the frustration of my inability to attend .

    am sure that he will handle the hecklers well .... he gives many talks so would be well used to them,


    Mrs Mac

  2. Lucia,

    The meeting was in my thoughts and prayers yesterday .... have you heard any reports about it at all ? were you there yourself or do you live far from Auckland?


    Mrs Mac


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