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Lets indoctrinate the children!

Yesterday I read there was some sort of poll given in NZ where 66% of respondents wanted school children taught about all religions. And not only that, but those same people want this to be compulsory!

I'm just staggered at the number of people that want this compulsory. What is it with NZ and this strong desire not just to have a good idea (learn about all religions) but then to take it into the realm of compulsion?

Do people wake in the the morning here and think, I'm going to have a piece of toast for breakfast. What a good idea. Hmmm, it ought to be made compulsory for everyone to have toast in the morning.


Personally, I don't want my children having to learn about all religions. Learning about all religions can create the impression that being religious is just a matter of opinion. Or, it could present the idea that the teacher's religion is the right one and all the others are just a matter of opinion. Do all these compulsion people even think that far?


  1. Learning about all religions can create the impression that being religious is just a matter of opinion.

    Thats the point Lucyna, even more they want religion to be reduced to a matter of folk tales and cultural myth.

  2. Yes I agree that the potential for abuse is there. It would depend upon the age, the context and the style of education.

    Given this agenda is being driven by atheists, it would be a calculated assault on religion to deliberately brainwash children into believing there is no God.

    And that would be the purpose of the school curriculum.

    It is ironic people campaign for the right to keep religion out of State Schools, and not have it forced down people's throats, but then campaign to make destroying it compulsory.

    Atheism is becoming the new religion. To have an absence of belief you first need to stamp out all other belief. The danger with a hole is that some-one always wants to fill it.

  3. How terrible, how truly truly terrible that schools should be expected, nay forced, to actually present children with fact.

    Why, if it wasn't so cold, I'd go outside and slit my wrists at the mere thought of children being educated instead of indoctrinated.

  4. At one stage the finest medical schools taught "facts" on how to leech blood to cure a patient, or use shock treatment to cure all manners of delusion. Like the delusion that schools and universities don't teach to a certain amount of bias and inaccuracy.

    The serious business of teaching children how to be good people can be left to those who care.

    They may be many ways of doing this, but don't make the mistake that your way is the only way.

  5. Thats the point Lucyna, even more they want religion to be reduced to a matter of folk tales and cultural myth.

    I hear it's largely a matter of logistics - it's getting harder to find qualified adults who will tell a room full of kids stories about magical beings and virgin births without bursting into laughter.

  6. "Learning about all religions can create the impression that being religious is just a matter of opinion."

    I'd phrase it more like "Learning about all religions might give away the fact that religion is a cultural construct, leading to the realisation that the same might apply to your own culture's religion." Dangerous stuff alright.

    Agree with you re the compulsion though, NZers seem to be shockers for inventing new "Thou shalt"s.

  7. zentiger said "Atheism is becoming the new religion."

    Well, for years I have pointed out to the god botherers all thie things that set atheism apart from religion, but since they want to keep playing that game:

    Atheism is the world's fourth largest religion.

    Atheism is the world's fastest growing religion.

    Now, there is something to truly worry the god botherers.

  8. No doubt they'll be teaching the kids about anthropogenic global warming and recycling and the "right" to kill the unborn as well.
    After all, those things are part of the left's religous beliefs.

  9. Religion is a matter for the private sector to work out for themselves.

    no religious brainwashing of our children is State schools tahnk you!

    And just how is "Atheism" to be taught to kids...? Make them sit in a classroom and the teacher says nothing for an hour?



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