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British Catholic Labour MPs may have backbones after all

Gordon Brown's Labour Government in the UK wants to pass a bill that will allow the creation of animal-human hybrids for medical research purposes and that will also remove the requirement on clinics to consider the "need for a father" before providing IVF treatment. One small problem: his Catholic MPs.

Catholic Labour MPs are not too happy about this bill (the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill), so unhappy in fact that given a choice they would vote against it. Which is not making Gordon Brown and the UK Labour Government happy. The bone thrown to the MPs; that they could just not be in the room when the bill is passed has turned into a red rag instead. So now, the Catholic MPs are saying they will vote against the bill with the opposition, which will mean the bill will fail.

It's not over yet, but if the Catholic MPs are growing a backbone, that'll be causing a major ripples in a country where there are now more Church going Catholics than Anglicans (despite the much larger Anglican population) and where one Catholic Priest has argued for a re-conversion of Britain to Catholicism. Maybe that's why some British MPs want to look at why Catholic doctrine is being taught in Catholic schools. Can't have that, as sex-education is not taught in the way the Government wants.

Anyway, interesting times in Britain right now.

Related Links: Labour's Catholic MPs will vote in embryo bill ~ Telegraph, UK
Catholic MPs may be revolting ~ Lucyna Maria, NZConservative


  1. Wish those times could hurry up and get a lot more interesting. Then again won't the Brown govt. just ignore them and press ahead anyway, that's what they're doing over this EU thing.


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