Stephen Franks dropped a risque Danish road safety video on his blog and it was linked by David Farrar who has RSS readers constantly scanning for "road safety" and "boobs". Now, had this been Farrar's post, I doubt much issue would be raised by it. However, this is tied back to Stephen Franks. And it's an election year.
The more rabid supporters of the Labour Party have sniffed an opportunity to make an attack and it will be interesting to see if they try to pick this up and apply the heat to one of National's most promising new candidates.
For example, commenter "roger nome" (aka phillipjohn") comes in on the first comment with an attack on Stephen Franks. However, before we look at what he said, let's see his opinion on the "Boobs on Bikes parade". You will recall the Boobs on Bikes Parade is a topless parade held in Auckland featuring porn stars on motorbikes - a parade designed to advertise a sex expo. roger nome/phillipjohn says this:
It always amuses me when men are willing to tell women what is morally right for them to do as women. Do you know the purpose of the rally? Have you spoken to any of the women involved? Sure it sounds dubious to me, but I’m not willing to lambast people for doing something when it’s harmless and I know nothing about their motives or message. Jees, anyone would think that you guys had been transported here from Victorian England.
And later he says this: Encouraging women to have a sense of responsibility for their own bodies, i.e. they use it as they see fit - doesn’t seem disempowering to me - what do the women here think about this?
And now, as roger nome, his line of attack on Stephen Franks requires a complete shift in attitude. Remember, this video is a comedy stunt, not a promotion of porn (like in his previous comment):
Creepy. Why am I not surprised that there’s a hat-tip to the elderly free-market ideologue Stephen Franks? What is it with his type’s fascination with young foreign women? They’re often easily bought on the open market i guess? Supply and demand, supply and demand…. An extension of their extreme take on “property rights” perhaps?
And a bit later: Hey, what’s this about me having no sense of humor? I laughed at the boobs with you guys didn’t I? Didn’t those women look silly with their boobs all wobbling around like that, vulnerable, in public?! But at the same time you kind of want those silly women! Desire and disrespect come together in one perfect union! hehe, love it! More of this stuff DPF!
For readers that don't understand the use of sarcasm, note the use of the word "vulnerable". You can see this leading up to an attack on Stephen Franks, and I suggest this opinion of his has been manufactured solely to attempt to create an election backlash for Stephen Franks. It makes sense, as Stephen Franks has a strong centre-right following, and there would be a good proportion of conservatives in that mix.
Roger soon moves to connect this video to the objectification of women, misogyny and ultimately, rape.
How many racists will admit to being racist? How many misogynists will admit to being misogynists? How many rapists will admit to being rapists? The reason most of them won’t admit to what they are? They actually don’t recognise that they are.
Bloggers have speculated that this commenter may well be a paid flunky of the Labour Party, or simply a useful idiot who feels it is his duty to generate a scandal out of any issue that might provide fuel for the Labour Party political machine. Either way, I'm questioning his motives in this matter.
He raises a good point about objectification of women (worth a separate post), but I suspect his concern only extends as far as the election. Now let's see if he can make this "scandal" fly. If so, it required the usual amount of dishonesty we expect from the loony left.
Related Link: Boobs on Bikes - First Opinion
Related Link: Slowing Down Stephen Franks
minor update 9:20pm
The more rabid supporters of the Labour Party have sniffed an opportunity to make an attack and it will be interesting to see if they try to pick this up and apply the heat to one of National's most promising new candidates.
For example, commenter "roger nome" (aka phillipjohn") comes in on the first comment with an attack on Stephen Franks. However, before we look at what he said, let's see his opinion on the "Boobs on Bikes parade". You will recall the Boobs on Bikes Parade is a topless parade held in Auckland featuring porn stars on motorbikes - a parade designed to advertise a sex expo. roger nome/phillipjohn says this:
It always amuses me when men are willing to tell women what is morally right for them to do as women. Do you know the purpose of the rally? Have you spoken to any of the women involved? Sure it sounds dubious to me, but I’m not willing to lambast people for doing something when it’s harmless and I know nothing about their motives or message. Jees, anyone would think that you guys had been transported here from Victorian England.
And later he says this: Encouraging women to have a sense of responsibility for their own bodies, i.e. they use it as they see fit - doesn’t seem disempowering to me - what do the women here think about this?
And now, as roger nome, his line of attack on Stephen Franks requires a complete shift in attitude. Remember, this video is a comedy stunt, not a promotion of porn (like in his previous comment):
Creepy. Why am I not surprised that there’s a hat-tip to the elderly free-market ideologue Stephen Franks? What is it with his type’s fascination with young foreign women? They’re often easily bought on the open market i guess? Supply and demand, supply and demand…. An extension of their extreme take on “property rights” perhaps?
And a bit later: Hey, what’s this about me having no sense of humor? I laughed at the boobs with you guys didn’t I? Didn’t those women look silly with their boobs all wobbling around like that, vulnerable, in public?! But at the same time you kind of want those silly women! Desire and disrespect come together in one perfect union! hehe, love it! More of this stuff DPF!
For readers that don't understand the use of sarcasm, note the use of the word "vulnerable". You can see this leading up to an attack on Stephen Franks, and I suggest this opinion of his has been manufactured solely to attempt to create an election backlash for Stephen Franks. It makes sense, as Stephen Franks has a strong centre-right following, and there would be a good proportion of conservatives in that mix.
Roger soon moves to connect this video to the objectification of women, misogyny and ultimately, rape.
How many racists will admit to being racist? How many misogynists will admit to being misogynists? How many rapists will admit to being rapists? The reason most of them won’t admit to what they are? They actually don’t recognise that they are.
Bloggers have speculated that this commenter may well be a paid flunky of the Labour Party, or simply a useful idiot who feels it is his duty to generate a scandal out of any issue that might provide fuel for the Labour Party political machine. Either way, I'm questioning his motives in this matter.
He raises a good point about objectification of women (worth a separate post), but I suspect his concern only extends as far as the election. Now let's see if he can make this "scandal" fly. If so, it required the usual amount of dishonesty we expect from the loony left.
Related Link: Boobs on Bikes - First Opinion
Related Link: Slowing Down Stephen Franks
minor update 9:20pm