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Lockdown Insanity

Found the above ad on KiwiBlog just now. At first, I thought it was joke!

I was absolutely, totally flabbergasted when the NZ Lockdown was announced a month ago. While the rage it triggered of the complete stupidity of it all was easily channeled into embers due to my increased life experiences. I now realise that few people can truly see the consequences of actions played out more than just what it directly in front of them. And then most of the time, not even that.

So, I get it. Most people will do what they are told and not complain too much, especially when they are afraid, and people like me are few, too few to really make a difference, unless we channel our energies into doing so.

However, the above ad just offends me on such a level that is triggering the rage again. Enough of a trigger to write this post, even though for years I've hardly blogged.

That is all.
