The above picture was photographed at the University of Minnesota. The picture is of a six week human fetus removed from his/her mother because of an ectopic pregnancy (where the baby attaches to the fallopian tubes rather than the womb). The baby was moving until the sac was pierced by a scalpel. I got this picture from The Christian Party, Ireland.
I was inspired to write this short post because of a comment made on a post on Moratorium on Abortion on A Servant's Thoughts that I couldn't get out of my head. The comment had to do with a picture of an unborn baby that the blog author had previously put up on his website.
Jack was referring to the picture on the right. I haven't been able to date the picture yet. I've found it used all over the place, but so far no luck with describing it. Thumb sucking can start from the 11th week (see my link to science on unborn life below), and I'm guessing the baby is less than 20 weeks at this point. I'm aware of some amazing pictures, as well as a video taken of an unborn baby before that baby was aborted - it could be that this baby is the one, but I don't know yet.I didnt like the picture on your last abortion letter though - it presents a bias view that babies are at this stage of development when abortion happens, when most are not.
~ Jack
What I wanted to show with this post, is the picture at the top of the post connected to abortion statistics in NZ. Most surgical abortions in NZ occur at an age older than the baby shown at the top of the post. Here are the stats for 2006 by gestational age of the baby:
Under 8 weeks : 1524
8 weeks : 1843
9 weeks : 3012
10 weeks : 3729
11 weeks : 2990
12 weeks : 2634
13 weeks : 1259
14 + : 941
The figures show that what should be the safest place is the dangerous place for a child in NZ to be is today the most dangerous. His or her mother's womb can become a death trap. We have no respect for the tiniest among us in this country.
Windows to the Womb: Foetal Development Pictures ~ Life Issues Institute
Science Sheds Life on Unborn Human Life An objective, fact-based report describing the day-by-day development of the unborn child, with each fact sourced by a reference to the scientific and medical literature. The facts show the unborn child quickly develops the organs and systems that a newborn has. It moves like a newborn. It has senses. It can learn. The author concludes that the unborn child must be a human life and invites interested persons to consider the scientific data. Although copyrighted, this study can be used with or without attribution for the purpose of advancing a respectful discussion of the difficult issue of abortion.
I've been having a look around.
ReplyDeleteFound this, which dates the baby in the picture at 18 weeks:
This one looks like it dates it at 24 weeks:
It doesn't look like anyone actually knows.
woah! I didn't realise those addresses were so long... sorry.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Frank.
ReplyDelete18 weeks looks more likely to me because of the transparency of hand and thumb, especially when I compare the picture to the link I gave for the life issues institute where they show a 20 week unborn baby. But then again, the lighting is different in both pictures.
I'll track it down eventually!
Dark retinal pigment apparent but no eyelids and webbed fingers may place the age between 40-50 days.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the scale is given by the surgeon's thumb. The adult first thumb joint is about 2.5cm and the embryo in the picture is about that in length. That make's its age significantly less than 10 weeks.
Photoshopped - no doubt. No ectopic pregnncy looks like that. Period.
ReplyDeleteI can't find any evidence to suggest it was photo-shopped, and I saw enough other photos on my journey to suggest this isn't too far off, with or without a touch-up.
ReplyDeleteThe only substantial claim about the photo's authenticity I say was on a pro-abortion site that claimed the fetus was more likely 8-10 weeks old (as if that made all the difference)
Maybe it is perhaps 7 or 8 weeks since LMP? Not sure it's much older than that based on hand formation.