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One Track Minds

One track minds lead to all sorts of tragedy. And this time the condom provided no protection. The first story I noticed was the untimely death of a couple who decided to have sex on the train tracks. Yes they used a condom. Yes, the news report found it important to say the condom was found on the male even after the train ran over the couple. Yes, they died. Yes, there's a lesson to learn.

Another tragedy of the one track mind; this time in Finland. 10 dead plus the shooter in another school massacre. The shooter was a 22 year old trainee chef. The first report I've read took pains to point out the shooter's profile: An atheist, Saari listed death metal and electronic bands among his favourite music, horror as his favourite movie genre and said his hobbies were computers, guns, sex, and beers. He was looking for a woman but did not want children. Said another report, "He worshiped war, hated mankind and lived alone with his cat." And helpfully: Saari did not have a previous criminal record. No doubt, another lesson there. Many think the gun killed all those people.

A few hours later, an Arab in Jerusalem with a one track mind on the path of destruction, used a car to drive into a group of 15 soldiers. This time a gun shot the terrorist dead before he could reverse and finish the wounded. There's a lesson there.

In nother news, an elephant in Mexico had a one track mind. Freedom. He breaks out of the circus but is killed by running into a greyhound. Bus. Unfortunately, the bus driver also died. I suspect his reaction time may have been diminished as his brain tried to figure out what an elephant was doing in the middle of a Mexican highway. There's no lesson here, just a general warning to expect the unexpected.

In Argentina, a man had a one track mind: to be a woman. He is now legally declared a women before s/he makes the final cut. Still, after viewing the video, she did not look like a he. I don't know if there's a lesson here either. Although, if this Argentinian beauty had moved to Finland, maybe she would have met Saari, and fulfilled his desire for sex without the children. But I don't think it would have worked out anyway. Someone with those hobbies and beliefs could never treat some-one as a real person rather than an object. He had a one track mind that excluded meaningful relationships. In short, she would have been too good for him. He needed love, but he wasn't looking for it, and he certainly wasn't giving it. And there's a lesson there.

Related Link: Finnish Fiend Finishes Friends

Related Link: Training for Sex Is Risky with one track mind

Other links may turn up later. Or not. Try Google.

[Update: Some editing 9:27am]