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Note to self

When sweeping up leaves near flowering hydrangeas, don't wear a floral dress, as bumblebees are likely to get confused and fly into the dress, thus getting trapped and maybe even stinging you.


  1. Ouch!

    Not quite as bad as a story a guy in high school told me about a friend of his who was riding a bike in shorts with no underwear and a bee flew up the leg and stung him . . .

  2. Oh dear.

    Fortunately, I was at home, so could go inside and put soap on the sting, and then some lavender oil. Now all I've got is a small red dot where the sting was. Doesn't hurt at all.

  3. Ouch to both the post and IM's comment.

  4. It stung me on the lower back, just in case anyone's imagination is getting the better of them. And I let it out from the front, once I figured out what was going on and why there was this buzzing really close to me.


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