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We can choose our gender, apparently, but not our parents

Here's a sad story about a baby whose parents have bought into the PC myth that "gender is a social construct" so deeply that they are raising their new baby, Storm, as a genderless child.

According to them Storm will decide his/her gender in the fullness of time and it is unfair, presumably, of them or us to impose a gender upon him/her.

What a load of hooey - the poor little tyke is having his parents idiotic views imposed upon him/her which is bound to be far more psychologically damaging than being bought up as what he/she really is ie a boy or a girl.


  1. Interesting that both parents are on the communist end of the political spectrum.

    It's very cruel to the children to do what they are doing. I once knew a woman who allowed her boy to decide when he would cut his hair (he hadn't at that point, he was 3) and when he would wash his hair (also didn't want to do that). We once went out together browsing in some shops. At the National Geographic shop, he picked up something delicate which he shouldn't have been holding, and rather than demanding he give the thing to her like I would have done, she spend 15 minutes negotiating with him. I couldn't believe it, and older son, who was 3 as well at the time, couldn't believe it.

  2. Would be funny if it wasn't really depressing

  3. Actually, after my last post, I can see that this is yet another aspect of the sexual revolution where parents impose their weird sexual confusion upon their children. That comment, by the Dad, where he talks about what dangles between the legs says it all, really, if that is what he thinks gender is.

  4. If there are any children out there who aren't having their parents' idiotic views imposed on them, I expect they're orphans...

  5. This doesn't worry you Milt?

    Socializing a child to be confused as to which group(s) he/she belongs in.

  6. This doesn't worry you Milt?

    I think it's pretty stupid, yes. But I think lots of things other parents do are stupid, and no doubt the feeling's reciprocated. In this case, they may want to pretend their kid doesn't have a sex, but physical reality cares not.

    I guess PM you are of course exempt from your comment;

    My children are certainly not orphans, I assure you.

  7. Andrei said...
    This doesn't worry you Milt?

    Socializing a child to be confused as to which group(s) he/she belongs in.

    Andrei,it doesn't worry me half as much as the parents who decide which group a child should be in by labelling them with the parent's religion, long before their critical faculties have developed.

  8. So leftrightout presumably you would also be against forcing a child to learn say mathematics before their critical faculties are developed. And how pray tell, does a child develop its critical faculties without been taught? Furthermore the knowledge of God is of vital - eternal - significance.

  9. No, not at all, because when I child asks a question in mathematics, there is an answer and a solution that can be demonstrated, that the child can work out for themsleves and use to make future solutions. There is no argument that 1+1 = 2. And when the child is ready for higher mathematics, where ther can be some doubt, they will also have developed critical thinking skills.

    Religion, however, seeks to impose itself as the only solution and forbids any experimenting to see if 1+1 really does = 2.

    If you are so sure your religion is the right one, why not let your child come to that conclusion themselves, after investigating other possible religion?


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