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Friday night free for all

Yet another Friday, and it's been a strange one! In between considering whether to leave some of the washing on the line, or hang some of it under the house and maybe start drying batches of it, the weather changed from sunny to full on storm winds that made me fear for the washing that I'd left out. Fortunately the pegs held. It's since all been rescued, so no need to worry on my account.

Which leads me to my story of what happened yesterday. I was dropping my two boys off at a local Warhammer club, just chatting with another parent I knew in the foyer of the community centre, when a semi-elderly lady approached. She started off commenting on how tall I was (what a lead in!), and then confirmed that I was Catholic (I wear a silver crucifix), before launching into a statement on how two times the population of NZ was killed in the concentration camps by Hitler and people in NZ just have no idea of how bad war can be.

You can imagine the couple of seconds of surprise as my mind clicked over during the time I agreed with her that yes, most NZ'ers have no idea and internally thought, WHAT THE? Then I got it, so I asked her point blank if the Warhammer club bothered her. That was what she had been waiting for, and so she got right into how bad weapons were and how we should all just learn to get along rather than play war games. My MIL uses the same arguments, so this line of thinking was not new to me.

This story will be continued during the night, so stay tuned ...


  1. evening all, windy, wet and yes wintery here in the central NI.
    Hot baked potatoes with homemade butter are great!

  2. Evening all. The hot baked potatoes sound just the thing for a night like this - cold and wet. Homemade butter, you say? How much of it do you make at a time, and is it from home-milked cow?

    As for the conversation at the community centre about Warhammer, I'm thinking defective Necron or Tyranid of the Peacenik Hive in disguise meets Chaplain of the Space Marines?

    My money is on the Chaplain. They are tough dudes. Even their conversation leaves wounds. Bring on the cannon fodder!

  3. Hi guys,

    Baked potatoes sound good, HIS.

    I'm hoping for an Assyrian vege Iskander myself, and soon as hubby goes out to get it for me.


    I thought I did pretty well on the conversation, hence my retelling of it here, but not really up to the Space Marine Chaplain standard (now that I know what they are). I just get shown models, and get told what they do, but in goes in one ear and out the other. My youngest can't even believe I used to play Magic the Gathering before he was born.

  4. Friends have a small home-based farm operation and a cream seperator - we get 1L at a time, so thick it holds a spoon upright, makes about 500-700g, never measured it exactly

    Leave it in the fridge for 3 days, then put it on the bench to get to room temp. - it takes less than 3 minutes in the whizz to turn to butter, wash with spring water, salt and put in the fridge.

    I'd go with Chaplain too Zen, it's been a while since I have done any WH, brings back lots of memories.

  5. I don't have time or patience for the game (but my kids do) but I do enjoy the Dawn of War computer game, although I haven't had time for that recently.

    The butter sounds yummy. I love salted butter. Goes on or in just about anything.

    And I suspect it's really healthy. Low sugar content, right?

  6. Well, continuing my story ...

    When the woman talked about how bad weapons were, I said that people will kill each other with rocks if they don't have guns, so really taking away the guns is not going to prevent war. Prisoners can even make knives out of toothbrushes. And in fact, many peaceful civilisations over the millennia have been wiped out by rampaging barbarians. It's really better to plan for peace, but prepare for war.

    Then she said she lived in Japan, her father saw which way things were going and brought them all to NZ. I mentioned she didn't look Japanese, and she said no, she wasn't, she was from Denmark. Then she said, countries who didn't get involved in the war, such as Switzerland, did very well.

  7. Well, all is quiet on the western front, tonight.

    Where's scrubone when you need him?

  8. Watching Youbook or Facetube is my guess... a productive evening spent learning After Effects CS4... the fun one can have with a camera and special FX...

  9. Looks like I'll have to do the rest tomorrow. Yeah, I mentioned I was Polish and Poland didn't have the luxury of choice in the matter. It didn't help that their so called allies didn't come to their aid from the outset. But then that's what happens..

    I was very civil, btw. No raised voice or anything. I was more amazed that I was actually having that type of con ersation outside of the blogs.

  10. Pacifism only works when everyone is a pacifist - and that means all 7 billion of us!

  11. Danes are...well, different.
    And I mean that nicely.

  12. HIS, After Effects sounds like it would be cool to learn. I'm more familiar with the Adobe software for producing static images, although I have played with Flash in the past. I bought a book once called 'After Effects for Flash, Flash for After Effects', but whenever I would sit down to read it I would get really sleepy and feel like nodding off :)


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