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What's so scary about Christianity?

It is interesting, to say the least, to observe how much hostility the Christian faith attracts.

Here's a story with a local aspect: Kiwis accused of teaching Christianity to Muslims.

It is about two kiwis working in a Moroccan orphanage who have been expelled from Morocco. The story as linked doesn't mention it but the orphanage in question has operated for over fifty years but is now closed.

The question which will remain forever unanswered is why the hostility now?

But underlying that is the general hostility shown toward the Christian faith which is not only confined to Muslim nations, where it is often overt but also within those with a Christian heritage.

Here is an example from San Antonio, Texas where an atheist group is running a campaign to swap Christian literature for porn. Get this you can trade your Bible for a penthouse magazine.

Not much of a trade I'd say.

Of course we all should know the ultimate source of all of this and that would be the great deceiver himself - the Prince of Lies.


  1. Why is Christianity scary to Muslims? Because it's a superior creed, founded on the love of God and His Son, faith, hope, charity, humility, and respect for one's fellow man.

    Christianity doesn't have to massacre people to get their attention. Christianity doesn't have to threaten its followers with death to keep them in the fold. Christianity tells of a God who so loves the world that He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die for our sakes. Christianity promulgates ten simple, commonsensical rules, based on two even simpler rules, following which will get you into heaven and the nearness of God.

    Christianity, in short, is the greatest bargain ever offered to Mankind.

    How could Muslims, albatrossed with an anti-progress, misogynistic, warlike creed that makes its gains through violence and always has, not fear Christianity?

    "In Islam, God asks you to send your son to die for him. In Christianity, God sends His Son to die for you." -- John Ashcroft.

  2. "How could Muslims, albatrossed with an anti-progress, misogynistic, warlike creed that makes its gains through violence and always has, not fear Christianity?"

  3. Good point. Penthouse isn't what it was.


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