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Teacher of the year 2010, pariah 2011

If you think "Gay Marriage" is wrong and you are a Floridian teacher you had better keep it to yourself because if anyone finds out you will be find yourself in serious strife.


  1. And, if you're a judge in Italy, keep your secular beliefs to yourself, don't object to a crucifix in the court room and never ever ask that a menorah also be displayed in the court.

    If you do, you''ll join Luigi Tosti; out of a job!

  2. Every Italian courtroom has a crucifix in it, LRO, and has for centuries.

    Why the need to change?

    Marriage has been between one man and one woman for millennia in the west, LRO.

    Why the need to change?

  3. The US Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892, adopted in 1942. The words "under god" were added in 1954.

    Why the need to change?

    The British were custodians of North America.

    Why the need for change?

    EastAsia has always been at war with Eurasia.

    Why the need for change?

  4. The US Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892, adopted in 1942. The words "under god" were added in 1954.

    Why the need to change?

    The British were custodians of North America.

    Why the need for change?

    EastAsia has always been at war with Eurasia.

    Why the need for change?


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