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Raising awareness about domestic violence, Maryland 1931

This man beat his wife in Baltimore eighty years ago, and this is how it was dealt with by the courts.

Ok I am of the generation who was bought up to believe you never ever hit a girl, you give up your seat on the bus to a woman and you open doors to let them past.

And of course in the event of disaster, it was women and children first, the men went down with the ship - the Titanic thing.

Anyway today is white ribbon day, where men wear white ribbons to "raise awareness" about male violence against women - an important issue notwithstanding that males are far more likely to die a violent death than women even in these enlightened times when "equality" is everything.

The origin of this is the École Polytechnique massacre where a young man of Algerian descent marched into a classroom, herded the "men" out and shot the women. The strange thing about this is the "women and children first, men go down with the ship" thing just no longer seems operant.

I'm fairly sure that men of prior generations would not have meekly left those girls to their fate.