Blog readers may know there is a bit of upset in some quarters that the Conservative Party of New Zealand did quite well on its first outing in a General Election while another so called right wing party didn't and is in fact its death throws despite having an MP - albeit one who doesn't match the critics conception of what an ACT MP should be I'd posit.
Indeed on one blog leading this charge freedom of speech seems to have gone west as any commentary on their posts regarding this vanish into the fourth dimension - which is most odd, most odd indeed.
There is one nation in the world that exhibits the economic purity that the devotees of ACT and libertarian types so desire, where business can carry on unimpeded by Government regulation perhaps they could emigrate there.
Indeed on one blog leading this charge freedom of speech seems to have gone west as any commentary on their posts regarding this vanish into the fourth dimension - which is most odd, most odd indeed.
There is one nation in the world that exhibits the economic purity that the devotees of ACT and libertarian types so desire, where business can carry on unimpeded by Government regulation perhaps they could emigrate there.