Good citizens who present absolutely no threat to society find themselves before the courts.
I do not believe we should be liberalizing euthanasia laws - no, human life is sacrosanct and our laws should recognize this fact.
But this gentleman and the doctor a week or so back are not threats to our society, whatever they did or didn't do they will be judged for in the fullness of time by a judge far more competent than any earthly judge as you and I will be also.
In an imperfect world run by imperfect people I'm content to leave it at that.
Why, I ask, can't the authorities just exercise a little common sense and judgement and avoid these show trials that serve no purpose.
I do not believe we should be liberalizing euthanasia laws - no, human life is sacrosanct and our laws should recognize this fact.
But this gentleman and the doctor a week or so back are not threats to our society, whatever they did or didn't do they will be judged for in the fullness of time by a judge far more competent than any earthly judge as you and I will be also.
In an imperfect world run by imperfect people I'm content to leave it at that.
Why, I ask, can't the authorities just exercise a little common sense and judgement and avoid these show trials that serve no purpose.